Get New Genuine Japanese Domestic Market Parts Direct From Japan.
- Get New JDM Spec Parts not available in your country
- Get new parts that are only manufactured in Japan in small batches
- Source from multiple suppliers throughout Japan which means the best prices and greater quantities.
- Ship in full containers with your other stock for the lowest landed costs.
- Importers wanting new parts for JDM spec vehicles.
- Importers wanting new parts from Japan that are not available locally and are manufactured in Japan in small batches and not available in other countries.
- Importers wanting to ship new parts with other stock in their containerised shipments.
- Importers wanting parts shipments of less then a container load.
- Importers wanting container load shipments of new parts only.
- Our parts service is a Business to Business service in commercial quantities and our minimum parts order is one container.
- We are located in Japan and our parts databases are the Japanese databases for Japanese Domestic Market models. Parts numbers that refer to models other then JDM models will usually not show in the Japanese databases.
- There may also be quantity restrictions because of manufacturers seeking to prevent parallel importing.
Because of this containers of new parts only will usually not be possible and new parts will usually need to be shipped with other stock in the same container.