Click on the links below for information on importing vehicles and machinery to Australia.
NOTE: Importing vehicles into Australia is highly technical and regulated. Most of the vehicles available in Japan are ineligible for import to Australia unless you're currently living in Japan and either a migrant to Australia or an expatriate Australian citizen returning permanently to Australia after a long period.
Before going any further carefully check if the vehicle you want to import is eligible.
Trying to import ineligible vehicles can result in penalties including having the vehicle seized at the destination port.
Before going any further carefully check if the vehicle you want to import is eligible.
Trying to import ineligible vehicles can result in penalties including having the vehicle seized at the destination port.
Importing A Road Vehicle into Australia Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
8 Steps To Importing A Vehicle Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
How to import your older vehicle (25 years or older) Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
Road Vehicle Standards Laws Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
Register of Approved Vehicles Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
ROVER - Road Vehicle Regulator Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
ROVER - List of Road Vehicle Type Approvals Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
ROVER - Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles Register Department of Infrastructure and Transport. Determine if the model you're interested in is eligible for compliance. The SEV# column gives the SEV Number for each approval.
ROVER - List of Approved Model Reports Department of Infrastructure and Transport. Click on the Approval Number to locate details of the approval holders for the models that you're interested in.
ROVER - List of approved RAWs Department of Infrastructure and Transport. Use this online database to locate approved workshops by location that can comply vehicles under the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles Scheme.
JAEPA - Certificates of Origin Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Prohibited Goods - Asbestos Australian Border Force.
Managing the risk of asbestos when importing a motor vehicle Australian Border Force.
Importing Equipment That May Contain Controlled Refrigerant Gas Into Australia Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Biosecurity - Importing Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and Machinery Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Biosecurity - Offshore Cleaning and Pre-inspection of Used Vehicles Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Biosecurity - Seasonal Measures for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
BICON - Australian Biosecurity Import Conditions Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Japanese Used Car Exporting To Australia Wikipedia
Parallel Vehicle Importing To Australia Wikipedia
The best sources of information are your local Customs Broker or packaged import service provider and the government departments responsible for vehicle imports.
Import regulations are constantly changing and it's the importers responsibility to comply with import, compliance and vehicle registration requirements.
Import regulations are constantly changing and it's the importers responsibility to comply with import, compliance and vehicle registration requirements.
Click below to view CUSTOMS BROKERS by city:
Click below to view PACKAGED IMPORT SERVICES:*
* This does not imply an endorsement. Speak with the service providers to see if their service is the right one for your requirements. The Japan office of the service you select may charge fees in addition to the fees payable to the Australian office.
Click below to view VEHICLE REGISTRATION AUTHORITIES by state: